Diary of A Director: Rehearsals
While discussing the incredible burden that our mostly young and inexperienced actors would be under, Team Ruby Skye P.I. were unanimous on the necessity of a rigorous rehearsal schedule.
Tuesday, August 10th: Day One – rehearsal with Madison (Ruby), and Kevin (Griffin). We begin with a lot of actor/director talk (expectations, character, intention of character) and, quickly, put a few scenes up. I go rapidly between the arbitrary scenes, hopefully giving them a taste of block shooting (shooting whatever scene, no matter the sequence, that takes place at a given location). Shortly thereafter, I get confused, and both actors constantly remind me of what scene we’re working on. I load them down with homework.
Wednesday, August 11th: Day Two – All day rehearsal. Almost every actor that’s been cast has an allotted time. Alex Dacev (Director of Photography) brings a camera and sets up shots, complete with marks and eye-lines. It’s a chance for the actors to meet each other and Alex, work the designated scene in front of the camera, and hear my (or Jill’s) thoughts on their character. Rehearsal is delayed often because I have questions about certain camera functions for Alex.
Thursday, August 12th: Day Three Rehearsal – Madison, Kevin and Marlee (Hailey, who has just returned from camp) are together for the first time. I, again, stress expectations, character, and technique with all three. I put them through a vigorous schedule of theatre-games (accents, emotions, and physicality) and throw multiple scenes at them quickly – hoping to underscore the exhaustion that inevitably sets in while filming. After three hours, I need a break. I’m really, really tired and decide to wrap them early.
Friday, August 13th: Day Four of Rehearsal – Final day with my three leads. While I dip in and out to a variety of meetings, I really hope that they can use the time to bond. Upon returning from a meeting, I find all three playing a video game. I linger (because it looked really fun), but I don’t think that they noticed me. Thankfully, I had another meeting to attend to and, again returning, felt as if I were interrupting something of a ‘club’. I issue homework and wrap them immediately.
Ruby Skye P.I. need not worry about acting ‘chops’ – these actors are phenomenal!