No More Bullies
The third week of November — this week — is Bullying Awareness Week.
At Ruby Skye P.I., we’re very concerned about bullying, particularly cyber-bullying. That’s when the bullying takes place online.
Sometimes, people who wouldn’t bully in real life, can behave very badly when they’re on the computer. We think that’s because it’s easy to forget that the people you meet online are real people. When you’re not in the same room, it’s easier to do things that hurt people’s feelings.
In honour of Bullying Awareness Week, we hope you’re read part of our Kids and Web Safety Policy. It has some dos and don’ts. If you keep them in mind, maybe there will be less bullying in the future. Maybe one day we won’t need a Bullying Awareness Week.
From our Kids and Web Safety Policy:
People online have REAL feelings. Most of the time, the people online are real and they have all the emotions that people in real life have. If you say rude, sexist, racist and other mean things you will hurt their feelings. Don’t.
The virtual world is the real world and the same rules apply. Even when you’re online, cheating, stealing and cruelty are wrong.
Don’t be mean, racist, sexist or cruel.
Don’t cheat, flame, bully or steal.
Tell an adult about anything that happens online that makes your uncomfortable, unhappy or worried. Tell an adult if you’re bullied, stalked or asked for personal information. If you have no one else to talk to contact the Kids Help Phone.
Use the power of the web to do good. Protect the environment. Help other people. Make the world a better place.
There’s lots of other good stuff in our Kids and Web Safety Policy. Check it out.