And It’s Educational Too!
As everyone gears up to head back to school, I figured that this would be a good time to talk about the educational components of Ruby Skye P.I. My name is Lindsay Springer (not to be confused with my namesake, Ms. Springer, in the series) and I am working on creating educational resources and a teachers’ guide to accompany Ruby Skye P.I.
Tweens and Teens of today are certainly more technologically savvy than ever and conventional ‘pencil to paper’ methods have long since gone the way of the mix tape. In the post post-modern classroom, my students use IMovie to construct and edit book talks and create interactive SMARTboard presentations when visual components are required. Teaching Media Literacy has quickly become both a logical and essential part of any Language Arts curriculum. This is where my work with Ruby Skye P.I. comes in.
The educational approaches to using Ruby Skye P.I. are numerous and multi-faceted; in addition to providing an interesting way to teach plot structure and genre, including literary terms and conventions specific to the development of mystery stories, Ruby Skye P.I. opens the door to creative and interactive ways to teach students about writing, creating and producing television. With behind the scenes interviews, photos, videos, storyboards and interactive media available on the website, students will be privy to the process of creating film. Through the model of Ruby Skye P.I., students will learn how to read a screenplay, pitch an idea, develop characters, use plot devices, and select camera angles. These are only a few of the many skills that students will acquire through this unit of study, which will culminate in the creation of original media projects.
Stay posted for a list of great mystery reads for kids and teens!
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