Delightful Options
We’ve had a great week and it’s only Wednesday.
The big news and really the most fun and most exciting event of the week was casting. We sent out our casting notice last Thursday. We posted on Casting workbook, Craig’s list, Mandy and the We also spread the word through our personal Twitter and Facebook feeds.
The response has been amazing. In fact the submissions are still pouring in. It took Kelly, Kerry and I ten or more hours to sort through them and then Kelly and Kerry had to call all the actors or their agents and set up times.
We got to Fraser Studios on the Danforth this morning at 9:00 to set up. Illia Srivsky joined us and ran the camera and Sarah Higgins, a lovely young actress for whom we don’t have a part, read with the auditioners. All of us were apprehensive.
We’d book a ton of people and very few breaks. We didn’t know what would happen.
You don’t know about a script till you hear it on its feet and casting is an extremely painful way to learn about your mistakes. You see an audition and you realize how horrifyingly bad a scene is… and then you have to sit and listen to it another 11 times. Ouch.
Then you worry that there won’t be any actors who match your vision or get what you’re trying to. Or that you and the rest of the team won’t agree on who would work in each role.
And certainly, you’re not looking forward to spending nine consecutive hours in a windowless room.
As it turned out, we had a great time and left at close to 6 pm in high spirits. The script sounded good if I do say so myself (all the funny stuff written by Julie). Kelly and I were absolutely agreed on every actor. But best of all, we saw amazing talent. People came in prepared and worked hard for us. It was so much fun… from our side of the table at least. Probably it was a lot more nerve wracking on the other side.
What a profession is acting. In order to get the gig, you must go and ply your trade in front of people like us; give us a sample or a preview. And we sit there, as if we’re at a buffet, looking at all the delightful choices, deciding which delicacies we’ll choose.
We have some great choices. But more importantly, our vision of what we are making became that much more clear and we like it and are more and more confident that kids will too.