Diary of A Director: The Read-through
Meet Kelly Harms, the amazing director of Ruby Skye P.I. Here’s an instalment of Kelly’s production diary:
Monday, August 9 – Quite simply, a finished film will only be as good as the script allows it to be. I believe, due to the genius of Jill and Julie, we have an amazing script. Then, no matter how great the script is, a production needs wonderfully amazing actors to lift the words off of the page and bring the story to life.
The Read-through is about to begin and I hope the actors remember who we are. Further, I hope the actors are as good as we remember them to be in the audition. As much as we, the creative team of Ruby Skye PI, have deliberated over the audition tapes, convinced ourselves of the incredible brilliance of our chosen cast, mistakes can and do happen. Very quickly, I realize that it sounds as amazing as we’d hoped it would. Then, the actors relax and find a rhythm and playfulness, and it sounds even more amazing than I could’ve hoped.
The read-through is over and there’s a palpable buzz of excitement that immediately spreads among those who have watched. Except for me. I feel an incredible and immense fear seep out of every pore of my body. Why fear? Because we have an amazing script, with amazing actors and it now needs to be filmed. Apparently, I could do some real damage.