From “Bully” to “Anti-Bully”: Seven Year-Old Reforms to Be a Hero
Barbie dolls are for girls. What’s a boy doing with a Barbie doll?
Or at least, that’s what seven year-old Cameron Thompson thought, and teased a fellow classmate–also a boy–so much about it that it made him cry.
Cameron went home that night and thought about what he’d done. He felt bad that he had caused someone else pain and sadness. Part of his punishment was to write a letter to apologize to his classmate. But Cameron felt like he needed to do something more.
Weeks later, Cameron, who has both ODD and ADHD (oppositional defiance disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), decided that writing the letter wasn’t enough. He still felt bad, and he knew he could do more. He asked his mother if he could start an anti-bullying club at his school.
He invited the boy he’d hurt to start the club alongside him, and when the first meeting opened, seventy-six kids showed up! The Tournament Hills Elementary School in Beaumont California reported bullying incidents started to decline after the club was formed. Students talking to students, keeping an eye out for one another, is a key to stopping others from bullying.
What’s next for Cameron? He plans to visit schools in neighboring states, spreading his message. But he needs help! He has started a GoFundMe account to assist in traveling to a Young Leaders Summit in Georgia — and his family also commissioned a video about his story seen below.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of bullying, or has been the cause of someone else’s, it’s never too late to help them, help yourself, or turn around and make things right. Cameron is an inspiration to all who have been in these situations. I hope we see more people like him step up and change their world.