And & And: Famous Detective Partners
It doesn’t take a Sherlock to realize you sometimes need a Watson!
Great mysteries can often be solved a lot easier with a friend. Doctor Watson was able to calm down Mr. Holmes’s wild theories and keep him safe–even if those theories almost always turned out to be true. Let’s look at some more famous detective partners:
Sean & Gus, on TV’s Psych, pair up using their individual strengths: Sean has unmatched talents of observation and deduction, while Gus’s keen nose and grounded morals guide his friend and keep him in check with reality.
On the classic sci-fi show The X-Files, down-to-earth FBI Agent Scully was able to keep head-in-the-sky Mulder from chasing after every supernatural lead by offering skepticism that kept him questioning the fantastic.
Pete & Myka of Warehouse 13 have a relationship where Pete’s humor keeps Myka from taking things so seriously that she misses the important clues. They also support each other during personal troubles.
Ruby & Hailey may be sisters, but they each have their own skills that compliment the needs of any investigation, and they’ve developed a coded messaging system for times requiring extra confidentiality.
If you find yourself stumped on a problem, at home or at school, or even out in the field of investigating, seek out a friend you know who might have complimentary skills or a new take on your theories. Different perspectives can refresh the trail and send you on some new leads!