Communicating With Ghosts 4: Pendulums
Communicating with ghosts is not an easy feat. Did you have any luck with the séance?
This week, I stumbled upon another interesting way to have a conversation with a lingering spirit. All you need is a pendulum and a list of questions that need answering. And don’t worry about not having a pendulum, you can easily make one!.
Got your pendulum? Good. Are you questions ready? Yeah? Then we’re ready to go.
Communicating with ghosts via pendulum is actually pretty easy to do. Here’s how in three easy steps:
1) Hold the chain between your thumb and forefinger. Hold it high enough so that it can swing freely in the air. Keep your arms and hands steady. You don’t want them moving the pendulum instead of the ghost.
2) Ask the ghost a simple yes or no question, like “Is it Thursday?”. If the pendulum swings back and forth, then the ghost is saying yes and if it swings side to side, then the answer is no. It may not work at first, but keep trying – the ghost will respond sooner or later!
3) Once you’ve got the hang of that, use the circular alphabet below to ask more complex questions. Hold the pendulum over the center dot and ask the ghost if it can spell out the answer to a question by gently swinging over each letter.
That’s it! Pretty easy, huh? What kind of questions will you be asking your ghost?