Browsing the "transmedia" Tag

Tech Survey

August 17th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

This is a wonderful behind the scenes look at what a tech survey is all about. This mini-doc was made

Twitter Taglines

August 17th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

The first of our behind the scenes videos, this one from the camera of the wonderful Jennifer Liao of Believerville

Shoot Day 1 – Early Morning

August 16th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

I did record a video blog this morning, but YouTube is still processing it.  Believe me, the way I look

Thinking About Video Hosting

August 13th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

I’m trying to figure out which video host I want to use for this project.  In the past, I’ve tried


August 10th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

Wo0t! Brandon Laraby covered the Ruby Skye P.I. Producers Tweet Meet in his blog, A Tale of a Boy and

DIY Research Divisions

August 6th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

By Karen Walton & Dorice Tepley Elementary, my dear Watson!   A great motto for a very clever, world famous detective

Script Stats

August 2nd, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

Anyone who’s been to Writers Watching TV sessions knows I have a little obsession with script stats. So here are


July 19th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

Liz Hover of the NSI interviewed Ruby Skye P.I. creator Jill Golick last week mostly about Ruby Skye P.I. The

You Suck At Transmedia

July 15th, 2010 | by rubyskyepi

Hot hot news from the transmedia world: Christy Dena has launched a new transmedia focused website called You Suck At

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