Halloween Pranks!
Here at Ruby Skye, we only advise safe and considerate pranking. Here are a few awesome holiday pranks that require little preparation and no clean-up. Much better than egging and tee-peeing, believe me. Also, those aren’t specific Halloween pranks. You could do those at any times (though I’m not saying you should. They’re kinda mean. And the mess is just awful). But these ones here are great Halloween tricks that are good for once a year only. So prank wisely.
1. Don’t move!
Have a friend or family member who has a fear of bugs? Freak them out by telling them that that bug is on them, but they have to stay very, very still! Tell them you’ll get something to kill it with… then leave them waiting frozen until they’ve figured out the ruse.
Inspiration from the above video!
2. Where are you?
Can’t trick or treat this year, but still want to have a little fun at your trick-or-treaters expense? Put on thick fake glasses (easy to get at the dollar store) and tell your guests that you can’t see well. Hold out the candy but miss the bags. Kids will eat it up.
3. Living dead
This comes back to our haunted house that we created! A great prank is always convincing people that the person in the scarecrow outfit is actually a dummy. Even better once they find out the truth with a scare. I’ve had this done to me personally and I’m still shaking from it.