Ruby Skye PI Season 3 Is Going to Be On CBC!!
How exciting is this news?! Not only is there going to be a Ruby Skye PI Season 3, but it’s going to be on Canada’s national broadcaster, CBC!!
Season 3 will be called The Maltese Puppy and Ruby is going to get herself — and Hailey — in more trouble than ever before. Diana and Edmund will both be back. Plus, there’s going to be an uber cute puppy!! We can’t wait to finish writing it, shoot it and put it out for everyone to watch.
But that’s not the most exciting thing going on right now. Way more thrilling is the news that CBC is joining us as a partner. CBC is about to launch a totally redesigned website for kids. They are going to run both The Haunted Library and The Spam Scam on it and then, in January 2014, The Maltese Puppy! Later, the episodes will also be broadcast on TV!
Everybody at CBC loves the show and we are very happy to be working with them.