Happy World Water Week
Ever paddled your feet in the waves of the ocean? Basked in the Banff Hot Springs? Jaw-dropped at the sight of the turquoise-blue glacier lakes in the Rocky Mountains? Swam the day away at a lake?
In Canada, we’re privileged to have access to all kinda of water: the ocean, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, ponds – water is everywhere (lucky us), and it is definitely something to celebrate. Unite with other Canadians in our coast-to-coast love of water by uploading your favourite water photo to Canada Water Week’s Flickr page. Be sure to browse through the gallery at the beautiful shots of our country’s H2O while you’re at it.
To learn more about Canada Water Week and World Water Day on March 22nd, and to find out how you can raise awareness, go to Canada Water Week’s site.
And don’t forget to join the Skye Sister’s campaign to ban plastic water bottles and to sign the petition!
Photo by Lake Windermere Ambassadors