STOP Single-Use Plastics
Did you know that an estimated 25 percent of all plastics, especially single-use plastics, end up in our waterways and oceans?
So what’s single-use plastic? Any bag, container, packaging, or wrapping that we use one minute, and throw out the next.
There are a lot out there – and they’re flooding our landfills and drowning our oceans! Including all those pesky plastic water bottles.
What can we do?
We can become more aware of our consumption of plastic. Open your eyes to the plastic in your life: Do you use plastic sandwich bags for your lunch? Put new clothes in plastic shopping bags? How much plastic do you bring home from the grocery store?
There are lots of ways we can cut back on single-use plastics, but here are a few tips to get you started
- Going out for a jaunt around the town? Make sure you bring a reusable canvas bag along for any shopping you might do.
- How about a quick bite to eat? Opt for a restaurant with eco-friendly take-out containers.
- And, of course, always remember to bring your reusable water bottles on any adventures. It’s important to stay hydrated and protect the environment.
While you’re at it, team up with Skye Sisters to ban plastic water bottles.
Take the pledge and vow to stop buying disposable, single-use plastic water bottles.
Let’s keep the plastic out of our oceans and protect our environment from single-use plastic pollution.