Because I Am A Girl: Making Dreams Come True!
Because I Am A Girl helps girls follow their dreams.
It’s really important for all kids to hear that they can achieve their dreams. Unfortunately, millions of girls in poor countries hear something completely different. Their parents, teachers and friends tell them that girls can only have babies, raise children and take care of their homes.
Luckily, Because I Am A Girl has touched the lives of many girls in developing countries, telling them that they can achieve their dreams and then, helping them do it.
Wattana is one of these girls. She grew up very poor in Cambodia. When she was 10-years-old, she dropped out of school and began chopping wood to help support the 9 other people in her family. She never liked that job, but she could not find other work.
One day, a worker from Plan Canada, Because I Am A Girl’s parent-group, went to Wattana’s village and talked about the programs available for girls like her. These programs educate kids so they get good jobs.
This inspired Wattana to want to go to school and open her own restaurant. But, her mother did not think she could do that. Wattana’s mom, like millions of others, thought girls should not have careers. Also, she could not afford to have Wattana leave for 12 months, as she needed the money Wattana earned chopping wood. However, with help from Plan Canada and a lot of hard work, Wattana convinced her mother to let her study to be a chef. Her mother even went to her exam, which she passed!
Today, Watana is a chef and doing her dream job. Her education taught her lots of valuable stuff. She learned how to read, write and, run a business. Today she is making her dreams come true, while helping her family more than she ever could chopping wood.
Help us help Because I Am A Girl help girls follow their dreams. Donate now to Hailey Skye’s Because I Am A Girl Campaign to change the world!