Browsing the "Season 1" Category



Madison Cheeatow as Ruby Skye | Ruby Skye PI

A Chat With Madison Cheeatow

March 20th | by Julia

Here’s an interview with Madison Cheeatow who plays Ruby Skye. Q. What made you interested in acting? How did you...

S1 Photos

Marlee Maslove as Hailey Skye | Ruby Skye PI

Oh Hailey!

January 3rd | by Jill

Hailey Skye — the sister Ruby loves to hate. When she’s not stealing brownies, Hailey is on her computer doing...

S1 Bonus Video

Ruby confronts Diana | Ruby Skye PI

Diana Noughton: A Mystery

September 26th | by Jill

Why does Diana Noughton hate Ruby so much? You’ll have to wait for a future Ruby Skye P.I. mystery to...

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