Backing Up
We’re shooting Ruby Skye P.I. on a Canon 5D that records directly to cards. There is no videotape or film. We immediately backup the cards onto hard drives and the cards are then sent back to the floor where they are used again. So there is no hard version of our original footage. Everything is digital and back up is essential.
James Golick, CTO of Protose Inc, gave me a couple of new tips on backing up. He said to back up everything, TWICE.
James also suggests using two similarly sized drives but from different manufacturers
because drives from the same run subjected to the same environmental conditions and access patterns have been shown to be more likely to fail simultaneously.
Before buying a drive, James suggests reading reviews, especially when you get into the relatively new, bigger 1.5 and 2 T drives. I found great reviews on Test Seek and Hot Hardware.