Kicking and Screaming
I am leaving my baby. Not for long and in the hands of my fellow parents… but still.
It’s very hard to go.
I’m off to Ireland for a week in my capacity as President of Writers Guild of Canada to attend the International Affiliation of Writers Guilds. Never mind that it’s far away, it’s also going to be a fabulously engaging week that will absorb all my time and energy. Maybe I’ll have an hour or two late at night and early in the morning to think about Ruby Skye P.I., but it can’t be my focus while I’m away.
Kerry, Kelly, Karen, Dorice, the editing team and others will still be crazy busy with post production, website design and the endless activity that is promotion. I love what we’re doing so it’s hard to go.
On the other hand, I know Kelly wants some time to work with the editors before I start looking at cuts. This was very hard for me to agree to. I trust Kelly completely and I want the full force of his creativity on the project. But I also very badly want to see the episodes coming together. Being on another continent with the distraction of writers from around the world makes waiting a little easier. When I get back, I can be fresh eyes on the cuts.
I don’t want to go! Let me into the edit suite.
Sorry. I do want to go. But I also want to see the cuts soon soon soon.
The other massively exciting thing that’s going on is that The Blog Studio is presenting designs of website pages. These at least I can work on and be part of wherever I am. I am torn because I would love to post some of the designs for you to see, but I also want to surprise you with the finished project. I can tell you, that they’re coming along nicely. I can’t wait to get hold of the site and start filling it with content.
But wait I will, at least till I get back from Ireland. I’ll be reporting on the IAWG over on my blog, Running With My Eyes Closed and the rest of the team will be reporting on Ruby Skye P.I. to you — and me — right here.