Ruby Skye PI Named One of Five Reasons to Discover Internet TV
Reason #2: Ruby Skye P.I.’s “interactive advantage”.
To kick off the new year, the Sixth Wall blog lists Five Reasons to Discover Internet TV in 2013. Author Maria Kern numbers interactivity as reason #2 naming Ruby Skye P.I. as the example of an interactive series! Kern describes Ruby Skye P.I. as “one of ITV series ever among teens and preteens”! Pretty cool.
KoldCast TV’s Ruby Skye, P.I. is at the forefront of blending didactic interactive content with compelling story, making it one of the most successful ITV series ever among teens and preteens.
The five reasons to discover internet tv?
- Custom Tailored Programming – meaning that lots of web originals are intended for very specific niche audiences, as if they are almost made specifically for you.
- Interactive advantage – shows with interactivity like Ruby Skye P.I.’s clues that you can solve.
- Ads You’ll Want to See – meaning that sometimes what you watch on the web determines what kinds of ads get served up to you the next day.
- Smart Screens – if you like the recipe, clothes or technology in the video, you can click through to buy it.
- A Wider Audience – meaning the ability to connect with fans with similar interests and tastes.
To read more about why Internet TV is the way of the future, head on over to the Sixth Wall!