While the Creator’s Away…
The Case of the Social Media Sweet Tooth
Guest-Blog By Karen Walton, Executive Producer
Hi! It’s me, Walty, from the somewhat humbling fortune cookie incident. While Jill’s way, way over there in the stunningly beautiful Republic of Ireland, I’m chiming in from the Executive Producer’s desk, here in Toronto. Where fortune cookies have been phased-out in favor of brownie testing gluts (mine will RULE), crucial reviews of our pending official website (also RULING), and not a little flailing at the herd of cats that makes Ruby’s world go ‘round.
As ever, there’s a lot of sugar involved. And, thank goodness, much luck.
As creator Jill Golick, producer Kerry Young and director Kelly Harms steer the web series itself through all the editing, sound mixing and music prep that will make the story a terrific viewing experience, I have the odd fortune of helping shape what you hear about it all, when, where and how. There have been so far some amazingly successful moments in our Social Media efforts (teaser launch day, omg!) — and some less spectacular attempts (see Walty hold bi-weekly Tweet-up producer meetings no one has time to attend, even Walty). Thank goodness for Dorice Tepley, my fellow Social Media Unit geek, or I’d be a little panicked right now. Exchange, engagement, getting to know all these incredible new talents-? So inspiring you have to sit down. Think about the contribution so many people are making. Wonder how to honor it. Especially over these crucial weeks before the big day, the debut, the ever-closing-in official launch. Underscore crucial.
There’s a saying in traditional filmmaking (where I come at this from): Bums in seats. Can I say bums? Well, I just did. Bums in seats means, no matter how brilliant what you’re doing is, – without someone sitting out there waiting to watch it, it’s kinda like… why?
I won’t alarm either of us with the list of everything that “B.I.S.”-related Thinking involves. I promise, it’s dizzying. I’ll just share the punchline: for me, reaching out to Tweens is a challenge… when they’re sitting at my dinner table, in person. Imagine the virtual stretch, online. So I want to personally thank all of the parents, teachers, artists, schools, social media fans and industry sponsors and most importantly the incredibly generous kids who’ve been helping us put the word out, so we can help Ruby find her true friends out there. Without you, I’d so be freaking right now. I’d be breaking out so bad, it’s not funny. The news is, my skin – so far – remains eerily clear. Thank you.
And if you haven’t already done so, allow me to recommend our official Facebook page to the mystery-fan Tweens in your world. Dorice is cooking up some really amazing stuff there in the coming days and weeks. Links and tunes and out-reach chosen specially for the future friends of Ruby Skye, P.I. All are welcome.