The Haunted Library – Episode 7 Clue
Can you solve the latest clue?
Things have slowed down. Ruby isn’t finding clues as quickly as she was at first. And now Henry and Lillian are working together and they have a lot of the clues because Ruby gave them to them! If she’s going to find the will first, Ruby is going to have to hurry up and find the last few clues. And solve them.
That’s where you can help. In Episode 7, On the Trail of a Thief, Ruby finds Clue #8. It’s Snowy’s grave! Remember Snowy? Ava’s dear departed dog. Gifted Sarah told us that Ava came to her because she wanted to communicate with Snowy after he died.
Edmund pointed out that Snowy is the name of TinTin’s dog, so Ruby looked through every TinTin in the library, hunting for a clue. She came up with a big fat nothing.
But Henry and Lillian knew where to look. Henry remembered his mother complaining that Ava had buried her dog in the library garden. And lo and behold, there are strange images on Snowy’s grave stone.
Here’s what they look like:
What do you think it means?
Solve the clues from the other episodes too. You can find them all right here.